Ch 6-8
33. What is waiting for Victor when he finally recovers? Who has nursed him during his illness?
34. Who is Justine Moritz and what is her story? What comments does Elizabeth make about her position in Swiss society ? What religion is Justine ?
35. Who is William and how old is he? Have we heard of him before?
36. What does Victor do after his recovery ? What is Clerval's "plan of life" ?
37. When does Victor finally plan to return home? What do he and Clerval do while waiting for his father's directions?
38. What is waiting for Victor when he returns to his apartment? What news does his father have for him? And what is his father's name ? How does Victor respond?
39. How long has Victor been away from home ? What happens the night he returns to Geneva ? How does he respond?
40. Whom does Victor see that night ? When was the last time they saw each other? How long ago was that ?
41. What does Victor now believe happened to William ? What does Victor assume about the nature of the creature?
42. Who has been identified as the murderer, and on what evidence ? How does Victor respond to this news? Why doesn't he say anything about the real murderer?
43. What happens at Justine's trial? How does Victor respond?
44. The next day, why does Justine say she has confessed to the murder of William ? How does Victor respond to Justine's situation and to Elizabeth's anguish?
Ch 9-12
45. How does Victor respond in the days after Justine's death? How have Elizabeth's views changed ?
46. What journey does Victor undertake, and when ? What places does he travel through? Where does he stay?
47. Where does Victor go the next day? Where does he go the following day? P. B. Shelley mentions the glacier in a letter written an Chamouni (his spelling) on July 25, 1817:
48. How does he feel during this part of his journey? (Notice in this chapter that Frankenstein, in the late 1700s, is able to quote a poem written by P.B. Shelley in 1816.
49. Whom does Victor see? ? How does he respond ?
50. In this chapter, we finally hear the creature speak for the first time. What does he say? Is this what we expect from the creature?
51. What does the creature ask of Victor ? What does the creature say to Victor ? Does his language remind you of another literary work? How good is Victor at performing the role of creator for his creature?
52. Why has the creature caused the deaths of William and Justine? Is he as inherently evil and bloodthirsty as Victor has assumed?
53. What will cause the creature to change? Keep in mind his statement "I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous".What sort of psychological understanding is Shelley showing here?
54. How good of an ironic sense of humor does the creature have? (See the "hand" bit )
55. Does Victor agree to listen to the creature's tale? What does Victor begin to feel ? Where do they go?
56. What does the creature remember of his earliest days ? How does he seem to be learning things? How well can the creature speak at this point of his existence?
57. How does the creature respond to his discovery of the fire? Why does he move?
58. What happens during his first encounters with people ? Is this more like what you expect from a horror story? But from whose point of view do we see these encounters?
59. Where does he finally find a place to stay ? What does he learn about the people who live in the cottage? How does he feel toward them?
60. How does the creature continue to learn about the family he is watching? How might a modern anthropologist or sociologist respond to the creature's methods? What is the condition of the family? How does the creature manage to help them?
61. How does the creature learn language ? Why might he have trouble learning words such as "good, dearest, unhappy" ?
62. What are the names of the family members ? Who are Agatha and Felix?
63. What things bother the creature when he thinks of discovering himself to the family ? How does he respond to his own appearance when he sees it?
64. The creature is still there when spring comes . What has been happening to Victor in the meantime? (See Chapter 5.)
65. How does the creature hope to win over the family? How does he respond to the coming of spring?
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