Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Persuasive Unit Test Forum"

Hi Students,

Please use the comments in this blog to post any questions or concerns you may have about the Persuasive Unit Test. Just to let you know, it is multiple choice, and we will be using the CPS remotes. There are 50 questions, and they cover all of the stories we've read for this unit. Check the OnMyCalendar for the titles and page numbers of the stories.

I will be checking this blog until about 10:00 pm on Thursday evening.

Happy Studying,

Mrs. Glenn

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Greek and Latin Roots for "tract"

Abstract (adj): Pulled away from direct relation to anything; impersonal as in attitude or views.

Attract (v): To Pull into something; to pull into oneself.

Contract (v): To pull together to make smaller in size or bulk; to pull inward; opposite of "expand".

Distract (v): to pull a person's attention in another direction.

Extract (v): To pull out by force.

Protract (v): To pull out; to make something take longer; to prolong.

Retraction (n): A statement or promist that is pulled back or taken back.

Subtract (v): To pull out, therefore having less left over.

Traction (n): A pull to the arm or leg muscles to bring a bone back into place when it is dislocated or fractured.

Tractor (n): A powerful vehicle that pulls farm machines and hauls heavy loads.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Perfect Composition Video 1/7/10

Hey guys,

After viewing the movie, please copy and answer these questions in your composition notebooks. ***Please note, I do not want you to type them, because I want them in your notebooks for furture reference. Thanks. Enjoy your day, and I'll see you tomorrow...if we don't have a snow day that is. :)


Perfect Composition
Questions from Video

1.What are three different types of compositions?

2.There are many ways to write an introductory paragraph that grabs readers’ attentions. What are some of the techniques discussed in the program?

3.What makes a clinching conclusion?

4.What is a good way to overcome writer’s block?

5.An outline helps the writer produce a good paper or essay. Why?

6.Why is a thesis statement necessary to a paper?

7.Why are editing and rereading so important?

8.Never rely on a computer spell checker. Why not?

9.What is plagiarism?

10.What does KISS mean?

11.Why is it important to write well?

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome back to the second semester of your freshman year here at GSMST!! You all worked very hard last semester, and I am very proud of you. It has been an amazing adventure, and I look forward to the new and exciting things in store for us this semester.

Stay focused, and keep working hard...believe me, it will all pay off. Hey what are some of your goals for this semester? Share them with me in a comment for extra points of this week's quiz.

~Mrs. Glenn