Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"The Man to Send Rain Clouds"

Hey guys,

Our next short story is "The Man to Send Rain Clouds". It's found on page 590 in the Literature Book, and online if you type in a search. Please be prepared to discuss the story in class after we do Greek and Latin Roots. Comment here if you have questions. Thanks.

Mrs. G.


  1. Are the roots the same from the ones we did last week?

  2. oh yeah do i have to print the essay?

  3. @Prima: The roots are from the ones I gave out today in class. They were on the "groups" drive and I asked you to save them to your computer.

    @Yuan: Yes, print the essay so that we can peer edit them.

    Mrs. G.

  4. do we have a quiz tomorrow (answer is probably yes since we have one every friday)? and what is it on?

  5. Mrs.Glenn, did ypu put up the sentence review, if so where? I just can't find it.

  6. Hey guys,

    I am just getting home from parent night. I have not had time to put anything up about the quiz. I can tell you that it will cover the sentence types, and some questions from the story. Ellen, do a search online to get some practice, and look back at the ones you did in class. I'll be awake for a few more minutes. If you'd like to ask me something specifically about sentence types, post your question here. I hope this helps. Take care,

    Mrs. Glenn

  7. okay guys, I just completed the quiz, make sure you look at the questions at the end of the story to prepare for that portion of the quiz.

    Mrs. G.
